>Gang Initiation<
There is a new "Gang Member" initiation called "Game" going on in
the Pittsburgh area. The new member being initiated drives alone with their headlights off until someone notices and flashes
their headlights at them. The car that signaled the gang member now becomes the "Target" of the game. The gang member is required
to cahse the car that signaled and "shoot" at, or into the car in order to complete the requirements.
The new gang member drives around wtih their headlights off, and
when someone flashes their lights at them, they turn around and cahse them, falshing their headlights and evetually kill them
by means of running them off the raod or making them wreck.
>Humans Lick Too<
A girl was left home alone while her parents went out of town for
the night. They todl her to close and lock all the doors and windows. She didn't mind because, after all, she had her pet
dog with her. After doing so, she lies on her bed and looksa t the clock. It's 11:31 PM. Uneasy about being alone, she lets
her hand hang ont he side for the dog to lick and she is comforted. Later on she is woken by a dripping noise from the bathroom.
She looks at the click. It's 2:14 AM. She doesn't recall leaving the faucet on, but she's too groggy and scared to get up.
Again, she lets her dog lick her hand, then falls back asleep. She wakes up yet again as she sees her parent's car pull into
the driveway. She glances at the clock. It is now 3:01 AM. She gets up and goes to the bathroom to see what's making the dripping
noise, and when she turns on the light, she sees her dog cut up, blood dripping and all hanging on the shower curtain rod
and a pool of blood is found below. She is frantic and goes to the side of the bed where the dog supposedly was, and lying
there was a piece of paper that read, "Humans can lick too, my dear."
**I've also heard this with the message on the paper written in
blood on the bathroom mirror or window. The dog is brutally murdered a different way everytime I hear/read this story.
>Aren't You Glad You Didn't Turn On The Light?<
Two girls are roommates in a college dorm. One girl leaves to go
to the library or off on a date, sometimes even to work. Some time passes and she has to go back to her rom to retrieve something:
a jacket, purse, or forgotten book. Knowing exactly where the object is, she does not turn on the light. Soetimes the story
goes that when she left, her rommate was sleeping or sick, and not turning on the light is courtesy to her. When the rommate
returns from where she went, there are police outside the door. She looks in the room, seeing not only her roommate's
mangled body, but written on the wall in blood (sometimes lipstick) is the message, "Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the
**My fave version of this urban legend is the one shown in the movie
"Urban Legend." (Go figure. Urban legends in Urban Legend.)
>Pop Rocks and Soda<
Mikey likes it... This urban legend was supposedly the "death of
Lilttle Mikey," the kidf rom the LIFE cereal commercials way back when. It was said that mixing Pop Rocks with soda or any
other carbonated drinks would cause the stomach to explode. Too much carbon dioxide. Why Little Mikey, though? ...Give it
to Mikey, he'll eat anything! Needless to say, Little Mikey DID NOT die of this lovely situation, but John Gilchrist (aka
Little Mikey) did survive an un-exploding childhood, and his now an advertising-accountant manager for a New York radio station.
>Kidney Heist<
A woman meets a man (there is also a variation with a man meeting
a woman) in a bar one night. The man slips something into the woman's drink, and in a few moments she's out cold. She wakes
up some times later in a tub of ice, with a phone and a note on the bathroom counter beside her. The note reads, "Call 911
or die." The woman calls 911 and the operated tells her to examine her back and stomach for any marks. The woman then finds
to slits in her back, and the operator tells her to get back in the ice or she will die. The ending of the story varies, depending
on where you heard it from. Sometimes the man removed her kidneys to be sold on the black market, in some stories he feeds
them to his dog cuz he's just a sick person like that. Soemtimes the woman even lives. I happen to favor the one in Urban
Legend: Final Cut, where the woman tries to escape and gets her head chopped off by the broken window. Best part in the whole
stupid movie.
(Hehe, I heard a commercial on the radio that went, "You met a girl in a bar and had a few
drinks. When you woke up she was gone...and so was your kidney. Since then you've vowed never to go on a crappy vacation ever
>Mary Worth<
More widely known as "Bloody Mary," this popular urban legend uusually
begins with details of a woman named Mary who was terribly disfigured and/or killed in some sort of accident. Her plauged
spirit can be brought forth by standing in front of a mirror and saying her name a certain number of times (often: 3, 5, 9,
and 13). When you have repeated her name the said number of times, you will either see her mangled face appear in the mirror
and die of fright (or w/e), or she will come forth from the mirror and claw your face.
A young girl is babysitting a kid (one kid, maybe two...however
many, but that's not my point) and ocne the kid goes to sleep, the girl gets a phone call. The person calling threatens the
girl, saying that if she doesn't get out of the house, he will kill her. She calls the operator (or police), and eventually
they figure out that the calls are coming from upstairs in the very same house.
>Ah, the Irony<
***This urban legend is TRUE.
Police said a lawyer demonstrating the safety of windows in a downtown
Toronto skyscraper crashed through a pane with his shoulder and plunged 24 floors to his death. Garry Hoy fell into the courtyard
of the Toronto Dominion Bank Tower early Friday evening as he was explaining the strength of the building's windows
to visiting law students. Hoy had previously conducted demonstrations of window strength.